Friday, December 9, 2011

Rolling Around

The other day, I turned my back for a second and I started to hear a strange noise.  Look what Henry discovered...

I'm not ready for him to start moving like he's been doing!  Henry, SLOW down!!

Big Boy Shirt...

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Thanksgiving...almost 2 weeks later

So in my usual fashion, I didn't take as many pictures as I would have liked during our time at home for Thanksgiving.  It was full of amazing food, family, talking, driving and showing Henry off.  Yes, it WAS a lot of driving for a long weekend, but I wouldn't have missed it.  We got to see both of our families and it makes me wish we lived closer all the more...

Here are a few of the pictures I DID take over the weekend (or pictures I stole from my sister)...


Henry got to meet his Great Grandma Von Tobel  :)

This doesn't happen very much anymore...he fell asleep in my arms.  :)

Can't WAIT for more family time at Christmas...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Still loving Roy

So my sister, Hillary and her boyfriend Graham gave Roy (a Rhino from Jellycat) to Henry when they were here on a visit.  Well, since removing everything from Henry's crib, Roy has been the only thing that has stayed.  I'm hoping Henry will attach himself to Roy as his "comfort" item.

Thanks Hil and Graham for Roy...looks like Roy is winning his heart over already. 

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The other hat...

We got a surprise in the mail the other day from the Davis family.  Andy Davis was Peter's roommate at Taylor for three years and although they don't see each other as often as they would like, they are able to pick up right where they leave off everytime they see each other (and Pete is usually laughing more than usual).   Oh the stories they can tell...and I'm so thankful Peter has had a friend like Andy in his life.

Andy knows about Peter's love for IU and the hat was appropriately red and white to reflect his Hoosier pride.  Henry fits into it perfectly.  :)

Thank you SO much Andy and Jackie!  We love the hat and it was so sweet of you to think of Henry...  :)

Friday, December 2, 2011


Henry doesn't like to snuggle anymore.  He is Mr. Squirmy and all over the place when he's in my lap (not looking forward to the plane flight home for Christmas!).  But every once in awhile...when he's a tad bit sleepy, he'll sit with me and be calm.  These were a couple of those moments.  Like I said before...I LOVE snuggling with him, but I love this new stage even more.

But even as I tried to snap these shots, he's reaching to grab my camera and the moment has past....