Friday, November 30, 2012

Chick-fil-a Breakfast Date

I had a coupon for a free breakfast sandwich, so Henry and I headed over to Chick-fil-a for a little Momma/Son date morning.  I enjoyed the sandwich.  He enjoyed the indoor playground.  :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

First Haircut

Henry's Hair.  It was something I pondered while being pregnant with him....would it be dark like mine?  Blond like Peter's was when he was little?  Curly or straight?  I have loved the fact that he's a "little Peter," with his daddy's blond curls.  We held out for probably a little too long before cutting it.  It was hard to see him as a baby after the locks were trimmed.  If we doubted it before, we definitely know now that we have a little boy on our hands.

What made it even more special was that Nana was the one to do the honors.  My mom's cut my hair since I was Henry's age and I can't imagine anyone else trimming Henry's for the first time.  I have memories of sitting on the wooden board on top of her beautician's chair...trying to hold still for all my haircuts and perms (yes, perms!?!) over the years.  So thankful for her willingness to bring her scissors whenever I'm with her and the talks we have while she's cutting.

 And yes...she IS giving me a mullet in this video.  What was she thinking?!?!
(and seeing crazy-haired Holly at the end of the video keeps making me chuckle)

But back to are a few pictures we took to document the occasion.

This was before: 


I know, I know...It was long.  And time.

And the finished product:

And a few with Nana...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Raleigh Christmas Parade

Henry and I ventured out to see the local Christmas parade in Raleigh this last weekend.  We got there right as the parade was starting...and had a hard time finding a place to sit.  Luckily, there was a brand new city garbage can (random, I know), that I was able to sit him on and he was able to see above the people in front of us.  Which also meant I did not have to hold him the whole time (which is getting harder and harder to do in my condition!). 

Some of his favorite attractions:  drums in the band, horses, lots of doggies, and all the interesting floats.  Beautiful morning with my favorite little boy.  :) 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Let's Go on a Walk

Ever since Henry learned to walk, we've tried to walk around our neighborhood everyday.  We have our usual spots:  He likes to sit on every set of steps on the way to our favorite bench.  He always says hi to the rabbit and frog statues on our route.  During this fall season, he been pointing at every pumpkin he sees.  And he's more aware of the airplanes flying overhead than I am.  Both of us look forward to these daily walks...they've allowed us to explore things outside, get some fresh air, and it has been fun to see him point out things along the way.  He doesn't let me get away with missing a day...around the usual time of day, he'll bring me my shoes and start motioning for me to help him put his shoes on.   :)


Monday, November 12, 2012