Saturday, August 13, 2011


I've never liked attention on me.  I remember feeling overwhelmed as my wedding day approached, thinking about all the people staring at me.  Don't get me wrong, I felt more loved than I had ever felt in my life.  So many people I love in the same room...I'll never have that opportunity again.  But the thought of having all the attention on me made my heart race.
Dear friends threw Peter and I showers for Henry earlier in the year...felt so special and appreciated it more than they know.  But they could probably tell...I was uncomfortable with all the attention on me.  I tend to get tongue tied, talk extremely fast, and blush to a bright red color. 

So when my sisters and mom discussed a baby shower for Henry, I was more than happy to have more of an open house feel.  People could come and go as they pleased, and I could spend time catching up with people I hadn't seen for a long time.  My sister Holly and Peter flew in for the occasion, as well as my Taylor roommates and their families.

Many of you know that my sisters are extremely creative.  Holly has her own jewelry website and Hillary has developed a talent for drawing in recent years.  They both can express themselves so freely in written form, whereas I tend to be more matter of fact and black and white.  But honestly Holly and Hillary went all out when it came to decorating for the shower.  They made everything in California and had it shipped to Indiana days before the shower.  It was like Christmas, pulling the "flowers," banners, and special creations out of the box.  Holly then went into her creative "zone," making the house look amazing.

Please go HERE to see most of their pictures don't do it justice. 

My roommates from college...It had been a year since we'd seen each other.  I love and miss these girls...wish they could be in my life on a daily basis again. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...that picture of the three of you TU girls makes my heart happy! I would love to have you all in my life again, too!! :)
